
Agile Winter Is Coming

How do I know?  Well, it seems people try agile, and it doesn’t work for them. You can take a couple of examples from Ben Linders’ post on InfoQ: “The Flexibility of Agile: Flaw or Strength?” The first example explains that agile doesn’t differentiate between large and small tasks, just by importance. This is completely

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Not A Problem

When is a problem not a problem? When there is a solution When there seems to be a solution. If a problem wasn’t solved, we’d  see all kinds of talks around it, ideas of solutions, discussions (wars) about different possible resolutions. Once we have a solution, bingo! The problem went away. If you apply Cynefin

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The Wrong Answer

In a recent webinar I did about unit testing, I was asked if MSTest is a good framework to support scrum. Being, well, myself I started with “It’s the wrong question”. Obviously a test framework support any process or methodology. Specifically, a team implementing scrum, that doesn’t have any technical practices, can benefit from test

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The Invisible Time Sink

I’ve recently watched a session called “Chasing the golden GOOS”. From the cunning name, you probably get that it’s about developing an app using the “Growing Object Oriented Systems Guided by Tests” approach. The whole thing was interesting, and then there was a question in the end. Someone in the audience asked about the ratio

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May 7th, 2013

Tomorrow I’ve got a full day. In the morning, I’m giving a talk at the Sela Developer Practice. This is going to be about “7 steps to writing your first unit test”. Following that, I’m going to hang out at the Typemock booth at Agile Israel 2013. If you’re there, come and say hi. If

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