Legacy Code To Testable Code #12: Instance Constructors
New post in the Everyday Unit Testing series, dealing with instance constructors. Check it out!
New post in the Everyday Unit Testing series, dealing with instance constructors. Check it out!
New post on Everyday Unit Testing – “TDD: Speed and Flow“. TDD may slow writing software, but is speeds up working software delivery, which is much more important.
A new post on Everyday Unit Testing on the simplicity of the TDD formula. Unfortunately, it’s not a simple as one makes it to be. Check it out!
New post on Everyday Unit Testing discussing this hard hitting question. Check it out!
It’s a great privilege to be a featured author on DZone’s 2015 edition of Code Quality and Software Agility. Along with other cool articles and infographics, you can find my “Refactoring in a Legacy Code Jungle” article there.
New post on Everyday Unit Testing: Emergent design through TDD is not promised to be better than up front design. Check it out.
I’m continuing the series about creating a unit testing strategy on Everyday Unit Testing. This time it’s about code preparations and actually writing the tests. Check it out!
My old post “Why Microsoft makes bad programmers” made waves last week on Twitter. And so, I decided to write about how I see things five years later, now that I’m not fully in the MS world. Well, basically the same. Visual Studio (and other IDEs – it’s not a Microsoft specific problem) is getting better
I’m continuing the series about creating a unit testing strategy on Everyday Unit Testing. This time it’s about design constraints. Check it out!
I’ve started a series about how to analyze, develop and execute a strategy for unit testing a module, a feature or a bug fix. The first chapter is here. Enjoy!