Creating Unit Testing Strategy – Part II
I’m continuing the series about creating a unit testing strategy. This time it’s about test categorization and design testability consideration. Check it out!
I’m continuing the series about creating a unit testing strategy. This time it’s about test categorization and design testability consideration. Check it out!
It’s been a while, but a new version of the book is finally seeing the light of day! Check it out now!
I’ve started a series about how to analyze, develop and execute a strategy for unit testing a module, a feature or a bug fix. The first chapter is here. Enjoy!
New post on Everyday Unit Testing on the other, not so known roles of tests. Enjoy!
New post on Everyday Unit Testing, continuing the story of multiple asserts going horribly wrong. Multiple asserts easily turn to creepers (Like Nick in the picture). Enjoy.
New post on Everyday Unit Testing on why a single test with multiple asserts should be split into multiple tests. Enjoy!
New post on Everyday Unit Testing: A real-life example of risk analysis, and which cases to test. Check it out.
New post on Everyday Unit Testing, about how we can measure if a test is valuable. Check it out.
My new article about refactoring before testing is published on DZone. Enjoy!
You liked the first part, right? Check it out on the “Everyday Unit Testing” blog. More testing economics stuff. While you’re there – get the book!