
Tango With Trello

My two-step forward, one-step back dance with Trello began way before I boarded the kanban train. In the beginning we used it as our main tool for planning, documenting and controlling development. The team was willing to try it, after using a whiteboard and (not-so) sticky notes with the planned-doing-done trio, which we copied to

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What Is Agile

Agile is a mindset. It is not a goal or end state. You can’t be agile because someone or something (including certificates) say so. There are no agile people (Sorry Yves). But, there can be agile organizations. Agile organizations are in constant pursuit of improvement. They constantly learn and improve quality. They use the proper

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I Want Answers Now!

I’ve become more aware how agile is perceived by different people, recently when I was at Agile Eastern Europe conference. It was an unusual experience: my usual day job has been for a long time about improvement.  My twitter conversations are about high level lean and advanced agile stuff.I’m floating happily inside my echo chamber.

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